Gladiator Quotes We Will Meet Again


Gladiator (2000) Poster

Commodus: Rise. Ascension.

[Maximus stands up, clenching an pointer head in his right hand]

Commodus: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. I don't think there's ever been a gladiator to match yous. As for this beau, he insists yous are Hector reborn. Or was it Hercules? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell united states of america all your existent name? You do have a name.

Maximus: My proper name is Gladiator.

[turns away from Commodus]

Commodus: How dare you evidence your back to me! Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name.

Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, Full general of the Felix Legions and loyal retainer to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, hubby to a murdered wife. And I volition take my vengeance, in this life or the side by side.

[Commodus trembles in disbelief]

Quintus: Arms!

[Praetorians bespeak their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. Commodus shakes his head and motions the crowd for silence. He then raises his fist and reluctantly gives the thumbs-up point]

Commodus: The full general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Hit story! But at present, the people want to know how the story ends. Simply a famous expiry will practice. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?

Maximus: Y'all would fight me?

Commodus: Why non? Do you think I am agape?

Maximus: I think you've been agape all your life.

Maximus: [after swiftly dispatching another gladiator] Are y'all not entertained? Are you non entertained? Is this not why you are hither?

Crowd: Spaniard, Spaniard, Spaniard...

Maximus: At my signal, unleash hell.

[addressing his troops]

Maximus: Fratres!

[Cavalry addresses Maximus]

Maximus: Three weeks from now, I will exist harvesting my crops. Imagine where you volition be, and it will be so. Concord the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the dominicus on your face, do not be troubled. For you lot are in Elysium, and you're already dead!

[Cavalry laughs]

Maximus: Brothers, what we practise in life... echoes in eternity.

Maximus: I knew a homo in one case who said, "Death smiles at u.s. all. All a man can do is grinning back."

Commodus: I wonder, did your friend grinning at his own decease?

Maximus: You must know. He was your father.

Commodus: You loved my father, I know. Merely and then did I. That makes the states brothers, doesn't information technology? Smile for me now, brother.

[stabs him]

Lucilla: Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome.

Marcus Aurelius: Are you lot ready to do your duty for Rome?

Commodus: Yes, begetter.

Marcus Aurelius: You volition not be emperor.

Commodus: Which wiser, older man is to take my place?

Marcus Aurelius: My powers will laissez passer to Maximus, to hold in trust until the Senate is ready to rule once more. Rome is to be a commonwealth again.

Commodus: Maximus?

Marcus Aurelius: Yes.

[Marcus Aurelius tries to condolement Commodus by reaching out his hand to touch him on the face but Commodus pulls his caput away from Marcus Aurelius' hand in cloy]

Marcus Aurelius: My decision disappoints you?

Commodus: You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: Wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. Equally I read the list, I knew I had none of them. But I have other virtues, father. Appetite. That can exist a virtue when it drives united states of america to excel. Resourcefulness, backbone, peradventure non on the battlefield, but... at that place are many forms of backbone. Devotion, to my family and to y'all. Just none of my virtues were on your listing. Even then information technology was as if y'all didn't want me for your son.

Marcus Aurelius: Oh, Commodus. You go besides far.

Commodus: I search the faces of the gods... for ways to please you, to make you proud. Ane kind word, one full hug... where you pressed me to your chest and held me tight. Would have been like the sun on my eye for a g years. What is it in me that y'all hate then much?

Marcus Aurelius: Shh, Commodus.

Commodus: All I've always wanted was to live up to you lot, Caesar. Father.

Marcus Aurelius: [Marcus Aurelius gets down on his knees] Commodus. Your faults as a son is my failure equally a father.

[Marcus opens up his arms to Commodus and gives him a hug]

Commodus: [Commodus hugs Marcus and cries] Father. I would take butcher the whole earth... if you would only love me!

[Commodus begins to asphyxiate Marcus while they hug, Marcus grunts]

Quintus: People should know when they are conquered.

Maximus: Would you, Quintus? Would I?

Maximus: Cypher happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear

[terminal lines]

Juba: And at present we are Free. I will see you over again... but non yet... Not still!

Maximus: Y'all don't find it hard to do your duty?

Cicero: Sometimes I practice what I want to practise. The rest of the time, I do what I have to.

Commodus: Have I missed it? Have I missed the battle?

Marcus Aurelius: You have missed the war.

Commodus: Male parent, congratulations. I shall sacrifice a hundred bulls to award your triumph.

Marcus Aurelius: Save the bulls. Laurels Maximus. He won the battle.

Maximus: Five thousand of my men are out in that location in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two grand will never leave this place. I volition not believe that they fought and died for cipher.

Marcus Aurelius: And what would you lot believe?

Maximus: They fought for you and for Rome.

Marcus Aurelius: And what is Rome, Maximus?

Maximus: I've seen much of the rest of the globe. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the light.

Marcus Aurelius: Yet yous have never been there. You have not seen what it has get. I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his stop... he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How volition the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known every bit the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her truthful self? There was once a dream that was Rome. You could simply whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... information technology was so fragile. And I fearfulness that it will non survive the winter.

Commodus: If you're very good, tomorrow nighttime I'll tell you lot the story of emperor Claudius who was betrayed by those closest to him, by his own blood. They whispered in dark corners and went out belatedly at night and conspired and conspired but the emperor Claudius knew they were upwards to something. He knew they were decorated little bees. And one nighttime he saturday downwards with one of them and he looked at her and he said, "Tell me what you've been doing decorated trivial bee or I shall strike down those honey to yous. You shall watch as I breast-stroke in their blood." And the emperor was heartbroken. The little bee had wounded him more than deeply than anyone else could ever have done. And what do y'all call back happened then, Lucius?

Lucius Verus: I don't know, uncle.

Commodus: The little bee told him everything.

Proximo: Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. You sold me... queer giraffes. I want my money back.

Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.

Falco: You lot really recollect people are going to exist seduced past that?

Gracchus: I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Accept abroad their freedom and nevertheless they'll roar. The chirapsia heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it's the sand of the coliseum. He'll bring them death - and they will love him for it.

Marcus Aurelius: When was the last fourth dimension you were habitation?

Maximus: Two years, two hundred and 60-iv days and this morning.

Maximus: Ancestors, I inquire you for your guidance. Blessed mother, come to me with the Gods' desire for my future. Blessed begetter, spotter over my wife and son with a ready sword. Whisper to them that I live but to concur them again, for all else is grit and air. Ancestors, I laurels you and will try to live with the dignity that y'all have taught me.

[every bit an executioner tries to depict his sword just tin can't]

Maximus: The frost, it sometimes makes the blade stick.

[kills the executioner]

[after the final duel]

Maximus: Quintus! Release my men. Senator Gracchus is to be reinstated. There was a dream that was Rome. It shall be realized. These are the wishes of Marcus Aurelius.

Commodus: [to Falco] Lucius will stay with me now. And if his mother and so much as looks at me in a manner that displeases me, he will die. If she decides to be noble and takes her own life, he will die.

[to Lucilla]

Commodus: And as for you, you volition love me as I loved you lot. You will provide me with an heir of pure blood, then that Commodus and his progeny volition rule for a m years. Am I non merciful?

[Lucilla turns her head]

Commodus: AM I Non MERCIFUL!

[just earlier he is stabbed by the guards]

Proximo: Shadows and dust.

[Maximus looks at images of his wife and son]

Juba: Tin can they hear yous?

Maximus: Who?

Juba: Your family. In the afterlife.

Maximus: Oh yeah.

Juba: What do you say to them?

Maximus: To my son - I tell him I will meet him again shortly. To keep his heels downward while riding his equus caballus. To my wife... that is not your business organisation.

[His only line]

Tigris: We who are about to dice, salute you lot!

Marcus Aurelius: Permit us pretend that you are a loving daughter, and I am a good father.

Lucilla: This is a pleasant fiction, is it not?

Commodus: What am I going to do with you? Y'all simply won't... dice. Are nosotros so different, you and I? You take life when you accept to... as I do.

Maximus: I take but one more life to take. Then it is done.

Commodus: So accept it now.

[Maximus pauses, then turns around and walks abroad]

Commodus: They tell me your son...

[Maximus stops]

Commodus: ...squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her once more and again... and again.

Maximus: The time for honoring yourself volition before long be at an end.

[Bows head]

Maximus: Highness.

[Watching Lucius sleep]

Commodus: He sleeps then well because he is loved.

Proximo: Listen to me. Larn from me. I was not the all-time because I killed quickly. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Win the crowd and you will win your freedom.

Maximus: Are you in danger of condign a good man, Proximo?

Proximo: Ha!

Commodus: I think I empathise my own people.

Gracchus: Then perhaps Caesar will be so good as to teach usa, out of his ain extensive experience?

Commodus: I phone call it love, Gracchus. The people are my children, I am their male parent. I shall hold them to my bust and cover them tightly...

Gracchus: Accept y'all ever embraced someone dying of plague, sire?

Commodus: No, just if you interrupt me again, I assure you that you lot will.

Marcus Aurelius: [to his daughter Lucilla] If but yous had been born a man, what a Caesar you lot would accept made.

On Screen Text: [outset lines, the text that appears on screen] At the peak of its power the Roman Empire was vast, stretching from the deserts of Africa to the borders of Northern England.

On Screen Text: Over one quarter of the Earth's population lived and died under the dominion of the Caesars.

On Screen Text: In the winter of 180 A.D., Emperor Marcus Aurelius' twelve-year campaign confronting the Barbaric Tribes in Germania was drawing to an terminate.

On Screen Text: Only ane final stronghold stands in the fashion of Roman victory and the promise of peace throughout the Empire.

Proximo: He knows as well well how to manipulate the mob.

Maximus: Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome, Proximo. That is not it. That is not it!

Proximo: Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus. Nosotros mortals are simply shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus!

Juba: Y'all have a slap-up name. He must kill your name earlier he kills yous.

Proximo: Ultimately, we're all expressionless men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we tin can decide is how we meet that stop, in order that we are remembered, as men.

Lucilla: What did my father want with you lot?

Maximus: To wish me well before I leave for home.

Lucilla: You're lying, I could e'er tell when you were lying because you were never any good at it.

Maximus: I never acquired your comfort with information technology.

Lucilla: True, simply then you never had to, life is more than unproblematic for a soldier. Or do you think me heartless?

Maximus: I think y'all have a talent for survival.

Gracchus: And afterwards your glorious coup, what and then? You take your v thousand and... leave?

Maximus: Aye, I will go out. The soldiers volition stay here for your protection, under the guidance of the Senate.

Gracchus: And so, later Rome's all yours, you just give it back to the people. Tell me why.

Maximus: Because that was a dying human being's terminal wish. I will kill Commodus. The fate of Rome, I leave to you.

Gracchus: Marcus Aurelius trusted you lot. His girl trusts you. I will trust you. Requite me two days, and I volition purchase your liberty. And y'all, stay alive, or I'll be dead.

Gracchus: I don't pretend to be a man of the people. But I practise effort to be a human being for the people.

Proximo: Congratulations, you lot have very persuasive friends.

Lucilla: My brother'south had Gracchus arrested. We daren't wait any longer. We must leave this evening. Proximo will be here t midnight and accept you to the gate. Your servant, Cicero will be waiting in that location with horses.

[Maximus nods]

Maximus: Y'all take washed all this?

Lucilla: Yes.

Maximus: [sighs] You lot risk also much.

Lucilla: I have much to pay for.

[Maximus shakes his head]

Maximus: You lot have cipher to pay for. You beloved your son, you are strong for him.

Lucilla: I am tired of being strong.(sighs) My brother hates all the world and you most of all.

Maximus: Because your father chose me.

Lucilla: No because my father loved you... and because I loved you lot.

Maximus: A long time ago.

[kisses her mitt]

Lucilla: [smiles] Was I very different then?

Maximus: (shakes his head, touches her face with his finger) Y'all laughed more than.

Lucilla: I take felt alone all my life, except with yous. I must get.

Maximus: Yes.

[kisses Lucilla ane last time]

Gracchus: The beating middle of Rome is not the marble of the Senate, it's the sand of the Colosseum. He'll bring them decease and they will love him for information technology.

Lucilla: Is Rome worth i proficient man'south life? Nosotros believed it once. Make us believe it once more. He was a soldier of Rome. Accolade him.

Gracchus: Who volition help me carry him?

[Gladiators surroundings Maximus to carry him out of the arena]

[during the fight with Maximus, Commodus loses his sword]

Commodus: Quintus, sword!

[Quintus does nil]

Commodus: Give me your sword!

[Quintus does null]

Commodus: [to his guards] Sword, give me a sword!

[the guards unsheathe their swords]

Quintus: Sheathe your swords! Sheathe your swords!

[the guards sheathe their swords]

Proximo: [addressing his new recruits] I am Proximo! I shall be closer to you lot for the adjacent few days, which will be the last of your miserable lives, than that bitch of a mother who start brought you screaming into this world! I did non pay good money for your company. I paid it so that I might profit from your expiry. And only as your mother was at that place at your beginning, I shall be there at your end. And when y'all die - and die you shall - your transition will be to the sound of...

[claps his hands]

Proximo: Gladiators... I salute you.

[Looking at some slaves]

Proximo: Can any of them fight? I've got a friction match coming upwards.

Slave Trader: Some are good for fighting, others for dying. You need both, I remember.

Maximus: Quintus, look at me. Look at me! Promise me that y'all'll look later my family.

Quintus: Your family will meet you lot in the afterlife.

[Lucilla tries to convince Maximus to conspire with Senator Gracchus]

Lucilla: This man wants what y'all want.

Maximus: And so have *him* impale Commodus!

Maximus: [laughing] You knew Marcus Aurelius?

Proximo: [very speedily and defensively] I didn't say I knew him, I said he touched me on the shoulder once!

Cassius: On this 24-hour interval, nosotros reach back to hallowed artifact, to bring you lot a recreation of the second fall of the mighty Carthage!... On the arid plain of Zama, there stood the invincible armies of the barbarian Hannibal. Ferocious mercenaires and warriors from all animal nations, bent on merciless destruction, conquest. Your emperor is pleased to give you the barbarian horde!

[Crowd thank you]

Maximus: [while Cassius continues his introduction] Anyone here been in the ground forces?

[an unknown gladiator responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his control at Vindobona]

Maximus: You tin help me. Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together nosotros survive.

Cassius: I'm pleased to bring to you the Legionnaires of Scipio Africanus!

[Inspecting the gladiators through the bars, Lucius notices Maximus and motions him closer. Tickled, Maximus complies]

Lucius Verus: Gladiator, are you the one they phone call the Spaniard?

Maximus: Yes.

Lucius Verus: They said y'all were a giant. They said you could beat a human's skull with i paw.

Maximus: [looks at his palm] A homo's? No. A male child's...

[Lucius smiles, and points to the art on Maximus' armor]

Lucius Verus: They take good horses in Spain?

Maximus: Some of the all-time.


Maximus: This is Argento, and this is Scarto. They were my horses. They were taken from me.

Lucius Verus: I like you Spaniard, and I shall cheer for you.

Maximus: They let y'all watch the games?

Lucius Verus: My uncle says it makes me strong.

Maximus: And what does your father say?

Lucius Verus: My begetter's dead.

Lucius' Attendant: Main Lucius, it is fourth dimension.

Lucius Verus: I take to go.

Maximus: Thy name is Lucius?

Lucius Verus: Lucius Verus, after my father.

Commodus: And now they honey Maximus for his mercy. So I tin can't just kill him, or it makes me even more unmerciful! The whole affair'southward like some crazed nightmare.

Falco: He is defying you. His every victory is an act of defiance. The mob sees this, and so does the senate. Every solar day he lives, they grow bolder. Kill him.

Commodus: No. I will non make a martyr of him.

[Commodus walks around]

Falco: I have been told of a certain body of water snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey. It volition prevarication at the bottom of the ocean equally if wounded. And then its enemies will approach, and all the same it will lie quite still. Then its enemies will have little bites of information technology, and all the same it remains still.

Commodus: Then, we volition lie still, and let our enemies come to u.s. and nibble. Accept every senator followed.

Commodus: It vexes me. I'1000 terribly vexed.

Gracchus: He enters Rome like a acquisition hero. Only what has he conquered?

Falco: Give him time, Gracchus. He's young, he may do very well.

Gracchus: For Rome? Or for yous?

Maximus: [the negotiator is riding headless towards the army] They say, "No."

Lucilla: I desire to help you.

Maximus: Yes, y'all can assistance me... Forget you ever knew me, and never come back hither again.

Maximus: Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. 3 thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never exit this place. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing.

Maximus: I may die hither in this cell or in the loonshit tomorrow. What possible difference can I brand?

Proximo: So Spaniard, nosotros shall get to Rome together and have encarmine adventures. And the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. And then, when enough men have died, mayhap you will have your freedom.

Commodus: Your Emperor asks for your loyalty, Maximus. Have my mitt, I only offer it once.

Maximus: I am required to kill, and so I kill. That is plenty.

Proximo: That's enough for the provinces, simply not enough for Rome.

Lucilla: Please be quiet, blood brother! Your constant scheming gives me fifty-fifty more of a headache!

Maximus: [to Proximo] He killed the man who fix you free.

[concluding lines]

Maximus: Lucius is condom.

Proximo: Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out at that place

Proximo: [holding up a sword] Thrust this into another man's flesh, and they will applaud and love you for that. You may even begin to love them


Proximo: for that.

Quintus: Maximus, please exist careful, that wasn't prudent.

Maximus: Prudent? The Emperor has been slain.

[Maximus is about to ride out with the cavalry to fight the barbarians]

Quintus: Soldier! I told y'all to move those catapults forward. They're out of range.

Maximus: Range is good.

Quintus: The danger to the cavalry...

Maximus: Is acceptable. Agreed?

Maximus: Do you lot remember what information technology was to take trust, Proximo?

Proximo: [unfamiliarly] Trust?

Commodus: It's a dream, a frightful dream... life is...

[Upon seeing the Coliseum for the starting time fourth dimension]

Juba: I didn't know men could build such things.

Gracchus: But the Senate IS the people, sire. Chosen from Among the people. To speak FOR the people.

Commodus: I doubt if any of the people swallow so well as yous, Gracchus. Or have such splendid mistresses, Gaius.

Proximo: You're good, Spaniard, but y'all're not that good. You lot could exist magnificent.

Proximo: What do you want? Hmm? Daughter? Male child?

Maximus: You sent for me?

Proximo: Yes, I did. You're practiced, Spaniard, but you're non that good. You could exist magnificent.

Maximus: I'm required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.

Proximo: That'south enough for the provinces, but not for Rome. The young emperor has bundled a series of spectacles to commemorate his begetter, Marcus Aurelius. I find that amusing since it Marcus Aurelius, the wise, the all-knowing Marcus Aurelius, that closed us down. So, finally later five years of scratching a living in flea-infested villages, we're finally going back to where we belong. The coliseum. Oh, you should meet the coliseum, Spaniard. Fifty-thousand Romans. Watching every movement of your sword. Willing you to make that killer accident. The silence earlier yous strike. And the dissonance after. It rises. It rises up like - like the - similar a tempest. As if you were the Thundergod himself.

Maximus: You were a gladiator?

Proximo: Aye, I was.

Maximus: And y'all won your freedom?

Proximo: A long time ago, the emperor presented me with a rudis. It's just a... a wooden sword. A symbol of your freedom. He touched me on the shoulder and I was free.

Maximus: [laughing] Y'all knew Marcus Aurelius?

Proximo: [Angry] I did not say I knew him! I said he touched me on the shoulder once!

Maximus: You asked me what I desire. I too desire to stand in front of the emperor. As you lot did.

Proximo: And then listen to me. Learn from me. I wasn't the best because I killed quickly. I was the all-time considering the crowd loved me. Win the crowd and you'll win your freedom.

Maximus: I volition win the oversupply. I will give them something they've never seen before.

Proximo: [laughs] So, Spaniard. We shall become to Rome together and take encarmine adventures. And a great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more than. And then, when enough men take died, perhaps you will have your freedom. Here, use this.

[tosses a breastplate to Maximus]

Proximo: I know that yous are a homo of your discussion, Full general. I know that you would dice for honor, for Rome, for the retentiveness of your ancestors. But every bit for me? I'm an entertainer.

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